Value Engineering
Need to find a better way?This is a recurring theme around the Country, how can we do this project cheaper without making it cheap? This is a very good question, and one that requires some additional thought, and in most cases re-inventing the project! How do we accomplish this in the name of Value Engineering? In some cases, we can literally offer re-engineering with products that have better value or better performance or both. Let us show you how we can help!
Material ComparisonsWhen we all started in the trade, well some of us anyway, the steel pipe was welded and threaded, and the copper pipe was soldered, the drainage systems were lead and oakum, and that was pretty much it.
Little by little these systems began to change, and more expensive material costs were swapped for labor saving systems in most cases. The steel industry was changed by the introduction of grooved systems, even though they were not widely accepted at first, they nevertheless made their way into the piping culture of accepted way to install steel piping. Swapping more expensive fittings for labor costs. Copper press systems were the same way, little by little, the piping culture changed and we saw soldered system fall by the way side. Many contractors now do even want this to be one of the options for installation. Now we have Polypropylene making the scene with a whole new approach. New labor savings for the pipe and fittings, and again, the more expensive material is supposed to off-set the labor cost compared to the metal systems. We can help you make these comparisons, and even help you with providing you customer with a case for allowing them to be considered. |
Performance EvaluationWhat is "Performance Evaluation"? Well it could be a reconsideration of flow rates for the piping.
Is that possible? Of course it is, did you know there are new materials out there that don't degrade over time? Whether you knew this or not, all steel and copper systems are over-sized to allow for the degradation of the materials. A typical hydronic system will degrade roughly 3% or more per year. That means, pumps will need to pump harder, using more electricity. Air handling units will need to run longer because the coils performance will degrade to the point where heat transfer is no longer close to design levels. It also means that all the chemical that you are buying are for the large part no longer being effective, and that's if they ever were actually being effective. It also means that you and your system is spiraling down towards a system that is no longer operating even close to design performance and there is nothing you can do about it because you decided to put water in steel and thought it would last! We can help you and your customer make some better and more economical decisions. |
Design ConsiderationsEven though contractors are usually off the hook on systems after the first year, many customers are now considering the LIFE of the systems that are considered on their properties.
Did you know that steel not only is one of the most expensive systems out there to install AND maintain, engineers still continue to insist on it's use. There are products out there that if considered could reduce the piping sizing down dramatically. Let me say that again, the piping can and would be smaller! Guess what? If the piping is smaller, then the AHU Coils are smaller, the Air Separators are smaller, the hangers are smaller, the insulation is smaller, the valves are smaller, get the picture? Not only can it be smaller, it in some cases can be 1/2 the weight of metals with water, do you think that would affect the structural steel cost on the project? Some products out there available right now can offer longer life, lighter weight, no chemical treatment required, better flow considerations, and smaller pipe sizes, and yet they are not considered? If we can re-consider the design, in some cases we can help you save a project! |
Labor Saving ChoicesSometimes no matter how we try, there are contractors out there that still want to try and solder copper and weld steel for their projects no matter what! Is that wrong? Of course not, but there are better ways to go about this business. The risk in this business is the time you have to spend on the jobsite.
Let us help you find ways to reduce that for you greatly, and in turn, give you a better chance at winning on your next project. If you want we will examine you plan, and offer you ideas on how you could save, and we could even offer you a way to work towards that goal in the future so you can be more competitive on future projects. |