Looking at the bid!Whether you have worked on you bid for a few hours, or several weeks, the finality of it all comes down to reports. Have you ever used a system and all they have to offer you is a recap sheet that really isn't what you want to use? Your only option then at that point is to put it in your own spreadsheet so you can manipulate your bid. We are hoping that we have a better plan for you with our system, and whatever sheet you want to look at this bid on becomes an automatically generated report out of our mechanical estimating system.
DetailsWhen it comes time to look at the numbers, we want you to have ALL the information you need to make a good and informed decision. We have several options for you so you can get to your final number quickly and accurately.
First we have reporting within out system showing you the breakouts that you need to understand the labor use, the material costs, the subcontracts involved and the associated costs for equipment and general conditions. Secondly, we have reports that help you do your job. RFP reports, manipulated material lists and ways for you to adjust pricing as well. This all falls within the reports structure of our mechanical estimating software. The last thing you want to do is to take an estimating system that is used for the entire bid process and the "manually" take that information and put it on another sheet for put your bid together. Where do you think the mistake will happen? Let us help you customize this system to do your work at the flip of a switch! |
Recap SheetOur Mechanical Estimating Bid Recap Sheet is all inclusive and very visibly presented so all the information that you need is within your reach. It is also very manipulated though the program even after the sheet is created.
An important thing to note here is OUR recap sheet is not manipulated on the sheet itself. It is instead manipulated programmatically so you can't, by accident, make an error that would delete cost or change a formula that could have an adverse affect on your bid. If you, for example, want to make some "what-if" scenario changes in your labor, we have programmatically made it possible for you to do that within the program, AND THEN you can choose whether you want to make those changes or not by saving or no saving the changes. We also have multipliers and factors that can all be manipulated as you are accustomed to working. Our system is designed to create and handle the bid within the mechanical estimating system from beginning to end. This was done to create a system that was not prone to human error. |
How do they work?Emjay Systems Total Mechanical Estimating Systems generates the reports that you choose in the manner in which you want them created. You have a large selection of reports that you'd like to see and use.
The reports that are generated are maintained and live within the estimating program, so later on if you need to go back and see a particular report, it will be there unless you choose to delete it. You can also regenerate reports at any time if you choose. So, if you decide to go back into your program and make some changes, the reports are only a click away. The program will delete the old report and replace it with a new one! Now, what if there is a report that you like to see on all your bids, or there is spreadsheet that you like to use on all your bids, how do we handle that? It's simple really, we can create a Custom Solution that automatically will be generated out the system, within the mechanical estimating file for your use. It's that simple! |
What about splits?Mechanical Estimating is challenging at times and in recent years it has become even more challenging. Our Total Mechanical Estimating System has the ability for you to choose from over 3500 different splits on any given project and within 7 different categories that you control and manipulate.
And yes, once this is created and the take-off is complete, you can choose from literally hundreds of different kinds of splits to report to your customer in any way that they would want to see this bid presented! |